
CHC’s prevention Programming includes Summit County Youth to Youth (Y2Y), formerly Project PANDA Y2Y is Summit County’s longest running youth-led, adult guided prevention program. Our primary focus is empowering young people to make healthy decisions with regards to substance use, mental health, gambling, relationships, and violence through youth-centered approaches. Y2Y operates in multiple districts throughout Summit County. 5th through 8th grade students participate in Y2Y lunch clubs and camps. High school students engage in our program as Youth Staff leaders responsible for bi-monthly advisory board meetings and camp

Our program is supported by the Summit County ADM Board.

Summit County Youth to Youth operates an independent website at

Our Program

Community Based Programming

Our certified prevention staff are involved in a myriad of community programming. We present in parenting groups, PTA meetings, Scout groups, etc. We provide information at Open Houses, community events, wellness fairs, and Akron Pride. Presentations and information include: alcohol and other drugs, prescription and over the counter medication, violence prevention, gambling, and mental health, as well, as other topics upon request.

Our Prevention Coordinator is a certified facilitator for Adult Mental Health First Aid.

For questions or more information contact Lauren Munk, Prevention Coordinator.

School Based Programming

Evidenced and Best Practices

Our certified prevention staff facilitate evidenced based programming and best practices in K-12 schools. Evidence-based prevention refers to prevention programs, strategies, and policies that have been rigorously tested under research conditions and found to be effective in changing adolescent drug use behavior and attitudes. ( This does not include scare tactics or using people in recovery.

Our programming includes: Too Good for Drugs/Violence by the Mendez Foundation, Project ALERT, Risky Business, and Smart Choices. These curricula are multi-day lessons designed for a classroom setting.

School Based Presentations

Our Prevention Specialists create and facilitate presentations on various topics, including: social emotional learning, alcohol and other drugs, prescription and over the counter medication, violence prevention, gambling, and mental health.

For Middle Schools

One of our dedicated Prevention Specialists leads the monthly lunch meetings. We play fun games and have interactive activities that encourage healthy decision making and social skills.

Not all middle schools have a Y2Y club. If your school doesn’t have a Y2Y club, have your school administration or school counselor reach out to our coordinator,


For High Schools

The Summit County Y2Y Youth Staff are the heart of our youth led, adult guided philosophy. These high school students make a school-year long commitment to create and deliver prevention services to their peers. These teens are trained by our coordinators, attend meetings twice per month, receive training from other prevention programs and work extremely hard to empower each other and their middle school peers to make positive decisions! They can be found working community events and running our Y2Y Camps!

Interested 9-12th grade students, click here for more information.

Y2Y Youth Camp

During a camp weekend, participants attend small group meetings, complete team building activities, listen to motivational speakers, get up to date information through workshops presented by other teens and adults and get to actively engage with the Youth Staff the entire weekend.

If you asked our coordinators, they would tell you that camps are the favorite part of their job because they get to see the inspiration these young people get from attending. Teens come to camp from different background with different experiences to be with other teens who are committed to making positive life choices and leave with new friends and life-long memories.

See for yourself what makes these camps so special:

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Camps are open to all 5th through 8th grade students. To learn more about our camps, visit

Adult Volunteers

Youth led can’t happen without adult guidance. We rely on adult volunteers to help us create a safe and fun environment. Some adult volunteers are former campers or staff, others are people in the community who are passionate about working towards positive change for young people. Our adult volunteers fill many roles, primarily in the camp environment. Volunteering with Summit County Y2Y is a rewarding experience.

For more information, visit

 For questions or more information contact Lauren Munk, Prevention Coordinator.